Dr Tara George
TPD Chesterfield & Derbyshire Dales GPSTP, Chesterfield & Derbyshire Dales GPSTP
Tara is a GP in Derbyshire and lead TPD for the Chesterfield and Derbyshire Dales GP Speciality Training Programme. She is a GP Trainer. She has previously held roles as a GP Partner, GP locum, on CCG committees, Associate Dean and as a RCGP/NHS England Perinatal Mental Health Champion. Tara works as an External Advisor for the RCGP. She is deputy editor of RCGP InnovAiT. She writes content for Don’t Forget the Bubbles, a paediatric FOAMEd organisation and teaches on their courses. Tara is an honorary Senior Lecturer at QMUL, teaching on the DFTB MSc in Paediatric Emergency Medicine, and at the University of Sheffield. She is a mentor for the Derbyshire New To Practice Fellowship scheme. She is a director of GP5T, a medical education conference provider. Awarded the RCGP Inspire GP Fellow of the Year Award in 2022 Tara hosts the medical humanities podcast “Bedside Reading".