Klinefelter`s Syndrome Association

The Klinefelter’s Syndrome Association (KSA) was formed in 1990 And incorporated as a charity in 1996.

The KSA is run by trustees who make up a National Executive Committee (NEC). They are helped by non-trustee volunteers. It has no paid employees.

The KSA is funded mainly through membership fees and donations.

The aims of the KSA are:

  • preserve and protect the health and promote the welfare of persons affected by Klinefelter’s and related syndromes.
  • advance the education of the medical profession, other public and private bodies, and the general public on the subject of Klinefelter’s and related syndromes and their implications for the family.
  • promote research into the management of Klinefelter’s and related syndromes and publish the results thereof and to support individuals and organisations promoting research into Klinefelter’s and related syndromes.
The KSA vision is of universal recognition, support and understanding of KS/XXY.

Through our website and helpline, we provide information and support for all affected by KS/XXY including families, medical professionals, teachers and anyone else who comes into contact with people diagnosed with KS/XXY.

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