Newly qualified GPs

Here's everything you need to know

Whether you've recently CCT'd and started independent practice OR are 3-4 years post qualification and after the initial whirlwind you find yourself with some time to breathe and think 'what now?'... Being a newly qualified (First5) GP at any stage can be a daunting, yet exciting experience.

You are not alone, the College is here to help launch, guide, and support you in your career.

Join us on 3-4 October 2024 in Liverpool!

About Annual Conference & Exhibition

The RCGP Annual Conference & Exhibition is the perfect opportunity to access 60+ hours of CPD (contributing to your own development and appraisal) but also meet other new GPs and colleagues, attend social events, and build a supportive and collaborative network from across the UK and beyond.

Free early years pre-conference summit

This year, we're also excited to invite you to an exclusive early career pre-conference summit at the Liverpool Delta Marriott, on Wednesday 2 October, designed specifically for GPs in their first ten years post CCT.

This free half-day event is tailored to provide invaluable support during the crucial early phases of your career. It will include a panel discussion, keynotes and breakout sessions on career and professional development, best practice from seasoned GPs, wellbeing, and resilience, building a GP career portfolio, and financial planning.

Programme highlights

Programme highlight Description
Health inequalities Maximising the potential of social prescribing to address 'the causes of causes' as a key component of effective primary care
Medical education Medical improv for persistent physical symptoms
Research & innovation Wise GP: Using advanced generalist tools to enhance assets and address skills gaps in your practice team
Equality,diversity and inclusion
  • Building bridges, breaking barriers: Effective engagement in primary care
  • Establishing and navigating a successful EDI network in priamry care: Reflections on successes and challenges
Sustainability Practical insights for pioneering sustainable asthma care in practice
Health & wellbeing Thrive: The three circles and what makes general practice a wonderful life
Your GP career
  • Finding your 'Ikigai': workshop around GP retention
  • Another string to your bow - Nurturing leadership skills in our teams and trainees

You can also choose between our eight must-attend sessions on essential CPD to ensure you're up to date with the latest practices and key learning (we've listened to you and made sure that we have increased cpaacity to accommodate demand).

Ticket prices

Two day ticket - £399

Single day ticket - £279

Only available to members. Non-members should select the non-member ticket.

What you peers say