Dr Sharon Dixon
GP and NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow , University of Oxford
Sharon Dixon is a GP partner and a practice safeguarding lead. She has represented the RCGP as a college representative at national safeguarding and FGM meetings. She has co-developed a resource for primary care to support GPs when caring for people from communities potentially affected by FGM. She has contributed to RCGP safeguarding resource development. She is a researcher, including exploring primary care perspectives on supporting patients with experience of FGM, domestic violence and abuse, of delivering safeguarding care during the pandemic, experiences of uro-gynaecology, possible endometriosis and women’s health. She has undertaken work exploring equity in research and on partnership priority setting in Femtech. She is currently an NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Oxford working to develop knowledge to improve care for adolescents with dysmenorrhoea, focussed in primary care.