Dr Rebecca Walker

General Practitioner with extended roles in Headache Medicine and Menopause Care, National Migraine Centre, Exeter Headache Clinic and Myla Health

Dr Rebecca Walker is a GP with specialist roles in Headache Medicine and Menopause Care. She is a senior clinician with the National Migraine Centre, a charity which provides advice and treatment for people with migraine and headache conditions nationwide, and with the NHS Exeter Headache Clinic. Dr Walker serves as an honorary advisor to the British Association for the Study of Headache.


Rebecca is also a member of the team of menopause specialist GPs at Myla Health, dedicating her skills to supporting women’s health and well-being and providing holistic care for migraine during the menopause transition.  

Dr Walker is a campaigner for migraine awareness and improved access to migraine care. She has written articles for popular magazines, spoke on regional and national radio and contributed to podcasts on migraine and migraine in women.