Dr Priya Kumar
GP Partner Kumar Medical Centre, Slough, Finance Lead for SPINE Primary Care Network Health Inequalities Lead, KMC, Slough Transformational Clinical Lead, Connected Care , NHS England
I am a practising GP Partner at Kumar Medical Centre and have recently been appointed as the Transformational Clinical Lead for the Connected Care Programme within Frimley. I have held a variety of leadership roles over the past 10 years including primary care strategy, urgent care and more recently the health inequalities lead for Slough Place. I developed and clinically led the ‘Multigenerational Household Project’ and ‘Wider Determinants of Health Questionnaire’. As a result of this work, I was honoured to be named the ‘Digital Innovator of the Year’ 2023 at the Digital HSJ awards. After completing the Darzi Fellowship Programme in 2014, I appreciated the importance of co-production and clinical leadership within the NHS. I am passionate about integrating services across the health and social care sectors by working with public health colleagues, and the voluntary sector in developing innovative pathways to improve patient outcomes on a population basis.